Myths About Male Fertility: Dispelling Common Misconceptions

When a couple has trouble conceiving, the female partner is typically the first to undergo testing. However, male infertility is more common than most people think. In fact, male factors play at least a partial role in half of all fertility cases. Here are some other misconceptions surrounding male fertility.
1. Male Fertility Doesn’t Decline With Age
Male fertility does decline with age, especially after the age of 40. While it's still possible for an older man to father a child, the likelihood is lower compared to a man in his 20s, as sperm quality decreases over time.
2. Tight Underwear or Pants Can Cause Infertility
There is no scientific evidence that tight underwear or pants leads to male infertility. However, tight clothing can increase scrotal temperature. The scrotal temperature should be three to four degrees below the normal human body temperature of 98.6°F for optimal fertility.
3. Frequent Ejaculation Can Lead to Fertility Issues
The number of times a male ejaculates doesn’t negatively affect their fertility. In fact, one study found that frequent ejaculation can actually improve sperm motility, which refers to the ability of sperm to move efficiently through the female reproductive system to fertilize the egg.
4. If a Man Already Has Children, He Can’t Be Infertile
Just because a man has fathered children before, it doesn’t mean he can’t have trouble conceiving in the future. Age, health, and other factors can impact male fertility at all stages of life.
5. Male Infertility Is a Permanent Condition
Dealing with male infertility can be frustrating, but there are treatment options available. Lifestyle changes and medical intervention can help improve sperm quality. Additionally, fertility treatments like intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF) can help couples impacted by male infertility conceive.
Get the Facts About Male Fertility From the Experts
Male factor infertility can impact different couples in different ways. If you have any questions or concerns about your fertility, it's important to consult with an experienced physician to get accurate information. Dr. Bastuba at Male Fertility & Sexual Medicine Specialists is specially trained in diagnosing and treating male fertility and sexual health. Contact us today for more information or to schedule an appointment at our clinics in San Diego or La Jolla, California.