Dr. Bastuba Collaborates on Penile Revascularization Report

In January of 2013 Dr. Martin Bastuba collaborated with noted Urologist Dr. Irwin Goldstein of San Diego Sexual Medicine on an important report regarding penile revascularization. The report was notable because even though erectile dysfunction in older men is typically treated with medicinal or device-related treatment options, in young men erectile dysfunction is more likely caused by pelvic, perineal or penile trauma.
Penile revascularization surgery is similar to a cardiac bypass, but in the penis. The most common causes of erectile dysfunction which can be treated by revascularization are blunt trauma to the perineum or bike riding. Because of these factors, the incidence of this in the U.S. is on the rise. There are more and more bike riders every year in men under the age of 50.
Using “microvascular arterial bypass surgical techniques”, penile revascularization is a reconstructive surgical procedure that was first described in 1973 by Dr. Vaclav Michal. Modern penile revascularization is a logical therapeutic option used to attempt a reversal of erectile dysfunction in younger men.
The report was originally published in the Asian Journal of Andrology.