How Can a Urologist Help Me?

There are certain health concerns that can cause uncertainty when you’re deciding which type of doctor to visit. You may wonder whether you should just start with your general practitioner or if it would be best to seek a specialist’s care from the start. This is an understandable thought process, and many men experiencing issues of a urologic nature will wonder if their particular symptom(s) are worth discussing with a urologist. We want to help provide some clarity on this type of conundrum, so we’ve organized a list of medical issues where seeking a urologist’s care is entirely appropriate.
You should schedule an appointment with a urologist if you:
- Are interested in getting a vasectomy or a vasectomy reversal. A urologist who performs vasectomies and vasectomy reversals will have specific experience in surgical procedures that involve advanced techniques designed to improve post-procedure recovery and reach higher success rates.
- Are experiencing urinary incontinence.
- Are struggling with erectile dysfunction (ED), also known as impotence. In recent years, there have been a number of technological advances created to successfully treat cases of ED, but only about 5% of men suffering from ED symptoms actually seek care. It is important to know that your quality of life, including your sexual experiences, can be vastly improved by effective urologic treatment.
- Are experiencing any male sexual health concerns.
- Are interested in hormone replacement therapies. Hormone therapy can help men raise low testosterone levels. This is typical in older men, as hormone levels can decrease with age. Seeking an experienced urologist is essential to receiving the best possible levels of therapy needed to help prevent further symptoms or complications.
- Are experiencing symptoms relating to Peyronie’s disease. Plaque can develop over time in the soft tissue of the penis and cause a change in the penis shape (bend, curve), pain, and/or erectile dysfunction. Advanced treatments, including injectable medication, can be used to break down the plaque and return the penis to its original state and function.
Dealing with feelings of embarrassment
One of the top reasons why men do not seek a urologist’s care for their medical concerns is feeling embarrassed. It can be difficult to discuss your symptoms, even with an experienced medical professional, and it can be even more challenging to physically show an issue if it involves your genitals. We kindly wish to remind patients that men of all ages, sexual activity, lifestyles, and degree of overall health experience the medical conditions noted above. You probably already know someone in your life who has needed care for anything from incontinence to Peyronie’s disease. We only encourage patients to seek care because we know that with proper treatment, their quality of life can be dramatically improved. You will not be the first case with your medical condition that the urologist has treated, and you will also not be the last.