Why So Many Men are Opting for a Non-Surgical Vasectomy

The non-surgical vasectomy is quickly becoming the most popular procedure for men seeking a permanent form of birth control. In a traditional vasectomy, the two tubes that carry sperm from the testicles to the urinary tract are cut and sealed to prevent sperm from entering the ejaculate. However, unlike a traditional vasectomy, the “no surgery” vasectomy avoids using a needle to inject anesthesia or a scalpel to access the tubes. Here's why:
The No Needle “Hypospray” Anesthesia
The standard vasectomy procedure requires the injection of local anesthesia directly into the scrotal sac. This is understandably a deterrent for many men. In contrast, a non-surgical vasectomy uses a fine, high-pressure spray anesthesia administered by a jet injection tool to penetrate and numb the scrotal tissue, allowing for a pain-free procedure.
The No Scalpel Procedure
Instead of the scalpel used in traditional vasectomies, the no scalpel, or “keyhole”, procedure uses a device known as a hemostat to produce a miniscule puncture in the scrotum. This hole is stretched to access, cut and seal the tubes one at a time. This creates a much smaller incision which provides several benefits when compared to the traditional surgery. Benefits include:
- No stitches or sutures are needed
- Less scarring
- Patient experiences less pain during and after the procedure
- Less bleeding and the chance of hematomas is decreased
- Chance of infection is decreased
- Healing time is faster and sexual intercourse can be resumed much more quickly
Additionally, the procedure time for a non-surgical vasectomy is much shorter, taking only 10-20 minutes, and you can expect to achieve complete recovery from the procedure within 3 to 5 days.
As with any vasectomy, after the procedure you will be advised to avoid unprotected sexual intercourse until it has been confirmed that you have no sperm remaining in your ejaculate. This is determined by a follow-up semen analysis 4-6 weeks after the procedure.
Getting a vasectomy is considered to be the safest, most effective and most convenient form of sterilization, even in its traditional form. The advances described above now allow it to be accomplished with minimal invasiveness. Talk to your doctor today to determine if a non-surgical vasectomy is the right choice for you.
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